Research Centre for Advanced Design, Materials and Manufacturing Technologies (RCADMM) | PolyU SPEED

Research Centres

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Research Centre for Advanced Design, Materials and Manufacturing Technologies (RCADMM)



As one of the most densely-populated international cities in the world, Hong Kong faces numerous challenges related to the operation of its transportation and utility systems every day. For example: How can Hong Kong best optimise its available energy from different sources? How can the transportation systems of Hong Kong overcome the technical and environmental problems caused by the city’s extremely heavy traffic? Answers to such questions often rely on safe, sustainable and effective engineering design and application of advanced materials. If Hong Kong wishes to remain competitive in the export-led market, its manufacturing industry must transform quickly to turn its players into high-value-added original brand manufacturers of world-class products. There is a pressing need for multidisciplinary expertise in product design and development that integrates advanced design, materials and manufacturing technologies. The development of the Research Centre for Advanced Design, Materials and Manufacturing Technologies (RCADMM) at the School of Professional Education and Executive Development of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU SPEED) will help bridge the current gaps to answer these pressing needs.


Funded by the Institutional Development Scheme (IDS) Research Infrastructure Grant, the overall role of the RCADMM is to enhance research activities in the focusing areas through various research related initiatives including:

  • Obtaining and utilising resources and facilities for performing research projects;
  • Training research personnel and students;
  • Encouraging research collaborations with academic/professional/industrial organisations;
  • Forming critical masses in research work; and
  • Enhancing the Centre’s research experience and status.


During the first 3-year cycle, the RCADMM aspires to become self-sustainable by:

  • Acquiring research funding in dealing with community and environmental problems;
  • Providing professional services to the government, industry and community sectors in solving related problems;
  • Developing materials, devices, and systems to meet market needs;
  • Contributing new knowledge to academic sectors;
  • Enhancing the research experience and ability of the Centre’s students.


Members of RCADMM


Deputy Director 

  • Dr NG, Sun-pui Zerance


  • Dr CHAU, Chun-pong James
  • Dr LOH, Wai-keung Anthony
  • Dr VYAS, Anand 


Acknowledgement: The project is fully supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project No.: UGC/IDS(R)24/19).