Useful Links | PolyU SPEED

Useful Links

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Useful Links

Examination Authority/ Public ExaminationTelephone No.E-mail
BULATSBusiness Language Testing Service
(Cambridge ESOL)
44 1223
HKEAAHong Kong Examinations and Assessment AuthoritySchool Exams:
3628 8860
Overseas Exams:
3628 8787
IELTSInternational English Language Testing System Hong Kong representative: British Council, Hong Kong2913


Professional BodiesTelephone No.
ACCAThe Association of Chartered Certified Accountants2524 4988
AIAThe Association of International Accountants44 1914 930277
Association of International Accountants
(Hong Kong Branch)
2845 4982
CIHChartered Institute of Housing2356 8680
CILTHKChartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, Hong Kong2866 6336
CILT(UK)The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, UK    44 1536 740104
CIMHKThe Chartered Institute of Marketing
(Hong Kong)
2868 1110
CIMAChartered Institute of Management Accountants2511 2003
CIPSThe Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply44 1780 756777
HKECIAHong Kong Exhibition & Convention Industry Association2558 1238
HKICPAHong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants2287 7228
HKIHRMHong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management2881 5113
HKIMHong Kong Institute of Marketing2881 6682
RICSRoyal Institution of Chartered Surveyors2537 7117